Spanish Interpreters
On site - Online - Hybrid
Simultaneous Intepreters | Consecutive Interpreters | Conference Interpreters etc.
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Spanish-German interpreters – on-site & online, or hybrid


Spanish is the world’s third-most spoken language after English and Chinese. The Ibero-Romance language is the official language in 21 countries, only one of which – Spain – in Europe, all others in Latin America. In consequence of immigration, Spanish has become the unofficial second language in the USA. In new Mexico, Spanish is recognized as official language. Spanish is of major importance for diplomatic relations, business meetings and private occasions. Whether you are looking for simultaneous interpreters, video interpreters, consecutive interpreters, conference interpreters or another kind of Spanish interpreters or Spanish translators – we have a range of interculturally competent, empathic Spanish interpreters experienced in different sectors.

Your comprehensive full-service package for the Spanish language:

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Spanish is the world’s third-most spoken language after English and Chinese. The Ibero-Romance language is the official language in 21 countries, only one of which – Spain – in Europe, all others in Latin America. In consequence of immigration, Spanish has become the unofficial second language in the USA. In new Mexico, Spanish is recognized as official language. Spanish is of major importance for diplomatic relations, business meetings and private occasions. Whether you are looking for simultaneous interpreters, video interpreters, consecutive interpreters, conference interpreters or another kind of Spanish interpreters or Spanish translators – we have a range of interculturally competent, empathic Spanish interpreters experienced in different sectors.

Your comprehensive full-service package for the Spanish language:

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Spanish interpreters

Today, Spanish is taught in many German schools as a compulsory subject. But school Spanish is often not enough to understand the details in negotiations. Thus, it is advisable to resort to language professionals. Whether Spanish is your source language or target language, our consecutive interpreters for the Spanish language are always a safe bet. You are planning a major conference? Within a very short time, we are able to provide you with a Spanish conference interpreter for your special field.

By the way, it is also possible to conduct job interviews, briefings, appraisal interviews and negotiations in Spanish or translated into Spanish. Please contact us to learn more. Whether you need a Spanish-to-German interpreter, a German-to-Spanish interpreter or another language combination – we will find the right Spanish interpreter for every subject and every type of event.

Focus on what you want to achieve in your event. Let us worry about the rest
Concentrate on the contents of your multi-lingual events while we have your back for everything else, such as technical planning, implementation and follow-up. Lehnen Sie sich zurück und starten Sie stressfrei in Ihr mehrsprachiges Event.

You need an interpreter really fast? Benefit from our world-wide network. Just give us a call. We will respond promptly and provide you with the appropriate interpreter within a few hours. Berlin, Buenos Aires, or New York – we will be happy to support you on site with our conference equipment.

Just a few steps to find your Spanish interpreter


Our team specializes in helping you to overcome language barriers of any kind. We show initiative and provide advise and support, we cater for your requirements to make your event a success! We help you during the preparation, provide organizational support, handle all the travel arrangements and relieve you of many tedious tasks – so that you can focus on your core business and the really important things.


Any place! Any topic! Any technology! Any time!

When is your event? When can we help you? We think of everything, we look after everything: You urgently need to have the documents for your event translated? 24/7 FULL SERVICE SUPPORT


Because we know that comprehension is more than just translating from one language into the other, our focus is on making people from different cultures understand each other. Whether intercultural training, language training/courses, generating documentation material, translation management coaching – we are your partner when it comes to language services!


Have you thought of every detail? We will be happy to support you with our know-how and our check lists. Did you know that a simple remind to a speaker that his or her speech will be translated by an interpreter can improve the results? Just the knowledge of having an invisible partner who makes the speech accessible to the audience will make most speakers talk more accentuated, slower and, above all, directly into the microphone.


Also after you have placed your order, please feel free to contact us at any time via phone, email or even SMS. We are always open for all questions, modification requests and additional requirements you may have.


On site, online, or hybrid – we have the appropriate tools and technology for your event. Our technicians are at your side to advise and organize and to introduce you to the use of the equipment. Video conference tools, event platforms, multilingual live streaming platforms? Automated subtitling for your event?


Our team specializes in helping you to overcome language barriers of any kind. We show initiative and provide advise and support, we cater for your requirements to make your event a success! We help you during the preparation, provide organizational support, handle all the travel arrangements and relieve you of many tedious tasks – so that you can focus on your core business and the really important things.


Any place! Any topic! Any technology! Any time! When is your event? When can we help you? We think of everything, we look after everything: You urgently need to have the documents for your event translated? 24/7 FULL SERVICE SUPPORT


Because we know that comprehension is more than just translating from one language into the other, our focus is on making people from different cultures understand each other. Whether intercultural training, language training/courses, generating documentation material, translation management coaching – we are your partner when it comes to language services!


Have you thought of every detail? We will be happy to support you with our know-how and our check lists. Did you know that a simple remind to a speaker that his or her speech will be translated by an interpreter can improve the results? Just the knowledge of having an invisible partner who makes the speech accessible to the audience will make most speakers talk more accentuated, slower and, above all, directly into the microphone.


Also after you have placed your order, please feel free to contact us at any time via phone, email or even SMS. We are always open for all questions, modification requests and additional requirements you may have.


On site, online, or hybrid – we have the appropriate tools and technology for your event. Our technicians are at your side to advise and organize and to introduce you to the use of the equipment. Video conference tools, event platforms, multilingual live streaming platforms? Automated subtitling for your event?

BusinessGuide24 Spain

Smart. Compact. Knowledgeable.

From ¡Buenos días! over siesta to dinner!

Simultaneous interpreting in Spanish – how does it work?

Simultaneous interpreting is considered the most challenging type of oral translation. The interpreter must master the art of listening to text in the source language, instantly understand and translate it, and simultaneously speak it out loud in the target language. This is particularly difficult because Spanish native speakers tend to talk very fast! A simultaneous interpreter for Spanish either provides real-time oral translation into Spanish as a target language, or translates the Spanish source into your target language. From the Spanish into English, and then into Japanese? We can also cater for the more unusual language combinations. Where there are no experts to cover the desired combination directly, we resort to our Spanish relay interpreters.

Relay interpreting – the way to implement also the most exotic language combinations!
Relay interpreting is a special type of simultaneous interpreting. The interpretation likewise takes place in real time, but a first interpreter translates the original source text into a language understood by the second interpreter, who then in turn renders this translation in the target language. Not quite sure you understand? Okay – let’s go back to the above example: Let’s assume the speech is given in Spanish. Interpreter A hears the Spanish original and speaks his/her English translation into the microphone. Interpreter B listens to the English version and speaks the Japanese translation that the target audience will hear through their headsets. It sounds complicated, but we make it easy for you. After more than 20 years of experience in all types of interpreting, we have routine enough to find a solution for all your needs.

Our TIP: Small talk is the key
Primarily in Latin American business culture, people tend not to come right to the point. Let’s say you cooperate with a local colleague in Latin America and have a question regarding a work aspect. Here, it is highly advisable to start by inquiring after the colleague’s health, and that of his or her family. Afterwards, you can bring up the work-related question. So you’ll start by saying “Cómo estás?”, “How are you?” This is the sentence you’ll hear practically every time you meet with people, whether entering a shop or a restaurant or at work encounters. In Spain, it is very common to invite business partners to lunch or dinner. The choice of tapas ordered as a first course is placed in the center of the table and shared by the guests. Sometimes the main courses are shared as well, or the guests simply order more tapas.

Dolmetscher für Spanisch: Sprachexperten auf höchstem Niveau

Rund 80.000 Wörter bilden die spanische Sprache. Heute wird sie längst nicht mehr nur in Spanien gesprochen, sondern gilt als vierte Weltsprache. So ist sie beispielsweise auch in einzelnen Ländern Afrikas und Teilen Mittelamerikas vertreten. Möchten Sie, dass Inhalte von Deutsch ins Spanische übertragen werden, brauchen Sie einen gut ausgebildeten und erfahrenen Sprachexperten. Dolmetscher für Spanisch können nicht nur Gesprochenes übersetzen, sondern sind auch mit den interkulturellen Besonderheiten vertraut. Das sorgt wiederum dafür, dass durch die Sprache und Kultur vorhandene Differenzen sicher überbrückt werden können.

Unser Service zahlt sich aus

Wir haben uns auf die Vermittlung von Dolmetschern auf internationaler Ebene spezialisiert. Dabei stehen wir Ihnen von Anfang an mit einem exzellenten Service zur Seite. Wir beraten Sie umfassend und individuell, halten Tipps für Ihre Veranstaltung bereit und greifen Ihnen bei der Organisation unter die Arme. Auch wenn Sie sich für eine Zusammenarbeit mit uns entschieden haben, sind Anpassungen bei unseren Leistungen sowie eine umfangreiche Beratung immer möglich. Sie können sich auch dann an uns wenden, wenn Sie spontan auf einen Dolmetscher für Spanisch angewiesen sind. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden stellen wir Ihnen den richtigen Sprachexperten für Ihr Vorhaben zur Seite.

Die non-verbale Kommunikation macht den Unterschied

Sprache lebt nicht nur von dem gesprochenen Wort, sondern auch von der Gestik und Mimik, mit der hier gearbeitet wird. Diesem Aspekt schenken unsere Dolmetscher für Spanisch besonders viel Wert. Damit Sie von der Arbeit der Sprachexperten überzeugt sind, kommt es darauf an, dass Sie sich für die richtige Art von Dolmetscher entscheiden. Gern stehen wir Ihnen hier beratend zur Seite.

Info box Spanish

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Latin developed into Spanish on the Iberian Peninsula. Following the discovery of the Americas and the Spanish occupation of Latin America, the language spread throughout the South American continent and Mexico.


Many years of experience

+20 years of expertise make us the perfect partner for your assignment.


We cater to all your language requirements and concerns! 24/7 FULL SERVICE SUPPORT

Full-service support

We look after everything from planning to organization.

Your success

You focus on the content. We worry about the rest. This ensures that your communication is successful.


Many years of experience

+20 years of expertise make us the perfect partner for your assignment.


We cater to all your language requirements and concerns! 24/7 FULL SERVICE SUPPORT

Full-service support

We look after everything from planning to organization.

Your success

You focus on the content. We worry about the rest. This ensures that your communication is successful.


We support the following brands in connection with “language”